Astrology Reports


Know Thyself. The horoscope is literally a map of the heavens showing the exact position of the sun, moon, and planets. It is mathematically calculated using the exact date, hour, and location of your birth. Learn about your true nature and temperament to gain a better understanding of how you fit into the cosmos. Chart interpretation: Approximately 18 - 20 pages. For Only $19.95 you will receive this comprehensive report as an HTML file via your email. After payment is accepted, you will be forwarded to a customer service page where you can input the necessary information about your time & place of birth, etc.

Relationship Reports

Are you made for each other? Discover the strengths and weaknesses of any romantic alliance, business partnership, or family relationship. Identify areas of mutual compatibility as well as where problem areas are likely to develop. This report will empower you to take control of how you want your relationships to proceed. Approximately 20- 25 pages. For Only $24.95 you will receive this comprehensive report as a HTML file via your email. After payment is accepted, you will be forwarded to a customer service page where you can input the necessary information about time & place of birth, etc.